You Don’t Have to Downsize to Declutter

You Don’t Have to Downsize to Declutter

If your nest isn’t as full as it once was, or you have more time on your hands in retirement, consider decluttering. Even if downsizing in the near future isn’t part of your desired retirement lifestyle, having less clutter in your living space and better organizing...
Queen Elizabeth’s Best Practices

Queen Elizabeth’s Best Practices

At almost 95 years old, Queen Elizabeth II works a full week and carries out more public engagements than many of the younger royals.[1] How does she maintain her energy in her old age and manage to accomplish so much? Being royalty doesn’t make you super-human, but...
3 Reasons to Review Your Tax Strategy

3 Reasons to Review Your Tax Strategy

Now that President Biden has been sworn in and the Senate is evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, it’s time to consider what tax policy changes could be coming. President Biden and Vice President Harris proposed several tax-increasing measures on the...