How To Stay Independent When You Have To Self-Quarantine

stay independent

Even as life starts to return to normal for some, those 50 and over may be advised to limit contact with others to avoid catching COVID-19. This can be difficult when you or an older parent need something done around the house. Here are three ways to stay independent when you have to self-quarantine.

Reduce the Need for Home Maintenance

To reduce maintenance, you can install LED lights, which last longer. This means less standing on chairs to change lightbulbs, and fewer trips to the store to buy them. Small changes like adding lights to the front of your home and along the sidewalk can make it easier to see at night if you’re planning on aging in place. This could also be a good time to buy essentials like batteries, toilet paper, and lightbulbs in bulk.

Dealing with Tech Issues

It can be hard without an IT department to help you when working from home, or without access to friends and family who might be better with technology. But, you can troubleshoot issues on your own. The simplest fix is sometimes the best one: turn it off and turn it back on. ‘How to’ videos and online instructions can be simple to follow if getting guidance over the phone is difficult.

Grocery Delivery

You can avoid going to the grocery store if you don’t want to. Companies such as Amazon or InstaCart offer grocery delivery services, and your local stores might offer them as well right now. These services are usually fast and convenient and allow you to choose when you want your delivery to arrive.

Stocking Up on Prescription Medications

In order to limit trips to the pharmacy, you can contact a health care provider to obtain extra medications and stock up on over-the-counter drugs. While some health plans have restrictions on refilling prescriptions too soon, The CARES Act requires Medicare Part D plans to provide up to a 90-day supply for covered drugs.[1] Part D plans also have the option to relax rules that prohibit the mailing or home delivery of drugs at this time.[2]

While you focus on ways to stay independent when you have to self-quarantine, we can focus on your finances. To learn what you can do to respond and prepare for retirement, contact us for a complimentary financial review.

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