Motivate, Don’t Procrastinate

They say there are people who watch things happen, people who make things happen, and people who say, “what happened?” You certainly don’t want to be the last kind, and it’s not so great to be the first kind, either. But distractions can get in the way, and the best of us procrastinate. COVID-19 may have canceled some of your plans, but it doesn’t mean you should forget about your long-term goals. If you want to be the kind of person who makes things happen, consider these tips to motivate yourself instead of procrastinating.

Divide time into 15-minute blocks

During the pandemic, normal routines that guided daily life disappeared, and those working from home or left with more free time had to become more self-disciplined. There are endless distractions, and it’s easy not to realize how much time we spend on them. You sit down to watch one episode of your new favorite series, and suddenly you’re on the third. One way to beat procrastination is to divide time into 15-minute blocks. By setting aside blocks for specific tasks or leisure activities, you can more easily track how much time you spend on each thing and limit time-wasting activities.

Make Lists

We’re all familiar with the to-do list. Maybe we’re also familiar with lists that never get completed or are simply forgotten. Having a designated place for either a physical list (like the fridge) or digital list (the notes section of our smartphone) can help you avoid losing it. Rather than forego putting tasks on the list you know you’ll complete and are in no danger of forgetting about, add them. That way, you can have the satisfaction of crossing them off, which can help you build momentum and make you feel more productive.

Consider Your Future Self

Sometimes getting things done is unpleasant in the moment, but later, there can be feelings of accomplishment, and even relief. Home improvements and removing clutter are good examples, especially during a time when we might be spending more time at home. You don’t have to downsize to declutter, and large projects can be broken up into smaller tasks. When you feel unmotivated, you can imagine how you’ll feel later knowing you procrastinated and didn’t produce what you wanted to. It’s never a good feeling, so avoiding it can help motivate you to push yourself in the moment.

One task you can add to your to-do list is to create a retirement plan. This upcoming 30+ year period of your life requires preparation. You’ve worked hard during your career, and should be able to retire without worrying about generating retirement income, paying for healthcare costs later in life, or minimizing your tax burden in retirement. We can help you accomplish this task, and the first step is to sign up for a complimentary review.

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