Two Trends Sweeping the Nation During Self-Isolation

lifestyle trends during coronavirus

Widespread Coronavirus-caused quarantining has led to some interesting pastimes. If you’re spending more time at home these days than unusual, you may know the joy that comes with having a more relaxed schedule. Baking bread and experimenting with coffee has become widely popular recently, as people look to fill their time, try something new, and replace foods they can’t go out for anymore.

Baking Bread

It seems everyone is baking their own bread: grocery stores across America have temporarily run out of flour, yeast, and other baking supplies. Google searches for “bread” were at an all-time high at the end of March. Baking bread is the perfect activity for someone spending a lot of time at home because it takes quite a bit of time and attention. However, it can be quite simple.

All you need to make bread is flour, water, yeast, and salt. You can purchase all of these in a grocery store (assuming they’re not out of stock). To make a basic loaf of bread, simply mix these ingredients together, knead the dough, leave it to rise, shape it into a loaf, and then bake.

Dalgona Coffee

Many Americans are used to buying their coffee out, and now have to make due at home. And while many might have coffee machines, they might become bored by the same drink every day. But unless you’re willing to buy an additional expensive machine like a latte maker, regular coffee might be the only thing on the at-home menu – until now.

Dalgona coffee requires three ingredients: Instant coffee, sugar, and hot water. Vigorously whisk together until they become fluffy, then milk can be added. Dalgona coffee originated in South Korea, where it means “confection.” While whisking ingredients together may not normally be on your list of things to do, it could become a habit once you’re no longer rushing out the door to get to work.

These trends might seem strange or difficult to master, but learning new things is one way to keep your brain sharp in retirement. If you’re staying home from work these days or are already retired, you may know the joy that comes with having a more relaxed schedule that allows you to trade quick-fixes for activities like bread baking and whipping up Dalgona coffee. Living on your own terms and your own schedule is an important part of retirement. We can help you plan for retirement with your lifestyle and financial goals in mind – get in touch with us to schedule a complimentary review.

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